Utterances of l'amour filter from my dreams and here I sit, dizzy-brained, a flutter of blossum petals flurrying around like a fragrant spring snow storm. His voice- embossed with the sound of a far-away land- far away in time, space and possibility for me, yet so intimately infused within my memory.
Je me souviens.
Vulnerable, again, am I and as my heart opens to the sun, so too it opens to the frost. I tripped into this picture almost without thought- by instinct- and I am actually letting myself be here in this today. Not dreaming of tomorrow, not mourning for the yesterday in which my fear of losing that today was strangled.
Not hovering destructively between fear of him loving me too much or not enough. Just appreciation for today as the sun shines upon my skin, alive with warmth and existence within the moment. The sun of a moment lost is only a bitter light doing nought but illuminating the sad array that taunts the future heart.